One of the fundamental organizing principles of our human lives, breathing, offers us in two basic types of experience.
- We can breathe passively, or without thinking. The body does its thing. The mind does its own thing.
- We can breathe consciously. When we do, we experience the bridge between the body and the mind.
Breathing passively keeps things moving, and allows the mind and our emotions to race ahead.
Breathing consciously keeps things balanced, and acknowledges that the present moment reigns.
Breathing passively makes space for the mind to fill itself.
Breathing consciously makes space for the mind to empty and acknowledge the fullness of existence.
After coming to first consciousness, at whatever hour, breathing passively is the habit that allows the mind to race ahead. The mind becomes louder and louder.
But, breathing consciously allows us to expand that first moment, and become sensitive to the seed of today's Truth-feelings.
How quiet they can be, it's amazing.
from 8 May 2020
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